Selvaggia Santin

Current position: PhD student


Corresponding address:

Scienze Ambientali - Università di Bologna

Via S. Alberto 163

I-48123 Ravenna (Italy)


Phone: +39 0544 937 314

Fax: +39 0544 937 303

Mobile Phone: +39 349 2845195





Research interests:

My researchfocuses on cryptobenthic coastal fishes, as playing an important structuringpart in coastal communities. In particular, I’m studying the effects of habitatcharacteristics on the structure of cryptic reef fish assemblages on coastaldefence structure in North Adriatic sea.

I’m looking atpopulation dynamics and species distribution across different spatial scales.The cryptic assemblage is evaluated using a modified visual census technique toinvestigate habitat preferences.

Professor:  Marco Abbiati     Supervisors: Dr.Trevor willis and Dr. Laura Airoldi




PhD position, Department of Evolutionary Biology, University of  BolognaBologna



Design and Analysis of Monitoring and Experiments for environmental Scientists- Corso di Alta Formazione of the University of Bologna



II level Master in "Integrated Coastal Zone Management for a Sustainable Development", Environmental Sciences, University of Bologna - Ravenna



M.Sc.eq, Biological Sciences, University of TorinoTorino








Ph.D. fellowship



Research Assistant fellowship, Environmental Sciences, University of BolognaRavenna







Other qualifications


3°level CMAS (Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques)



2°level CMAS (Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques)/CIRSS (Comitato italiano Ricerche e Studi subacquei)



1°level SSI (Scuba School International) Open Water Diver






International conference proceeding and abstract


Passaro, R., Willis, T.J., Santin, S., Tisselli, S., Ferraro, M. & Abbiati, M. (2004) Spatial variability in soft-bottom macrobenthos in the Adriatic sea: a multi-scale approach. Proceedings of 39th European Marine Biology Symposium - Genoa, 21-24 July 2004 Biologia Marina Mediterranea 11(3): 67.


National conference proceeding and abstract


Pessani D., Santin S. 2002. Studio preliminare della fauna ittica dell’Infralitorale di Punta Manara e Punta Sestri. Atti del 63° Congresso Nazionale Unione Zoologica Italiana. Rende (CS) 22-26 Settembre 2002.

Santin, S., Willis, T.J. & Abbiati, M. (in press). Cryptobenthic fish and the importance of habitat on coastal defence structure in North Adriatic sea. Conference Proceeding of XV° Italian Society of Ecology. Turin, September 2005.


Technical reports

Abbiati, M., Airoldi, L., Gregorio, G., Ponti, M. & Santin, S. (2002) Progetto per lo sviluppo di una metodologia di monitoraggio delle strutture off-shore in alto Adriatico. Biomare 1st Report: Aggiornamento della letteratura e revisione critica dello stato dell’arte. Rapporto AGIP, 31 pp.

Willis, T.J., Passaro, R., Anderson, M.J., Abbiati, M., Buscaroli, A. Airoldi, L., Gregorio, G., Santin, S. & Gray, J.S. (2003) Project for the development of metodologies for monitoring the impact of off-shore structures in the northern Adriatic. Biomare 2nd Report: Objectives, survey design, and sampling protocols. Reports to AGIP, 26 pp.

Willis, T.J., Passaro, R., Santin, S., Tisselli, S. & Abbiati, M. (2004a) Project for the development of metodologies for monitoring the impact of off-shore structures in the northern Adriatic. Biomare 3nd Report: Progress report- sample analysis. Reports to AGIP, 24 pp.

Willis, T.J., Passaro, R., Tisselli, S. Santin, S., & Abbiati, M. (2004b) Project for the development of metodologies for monitoring the impact of off-shore structures in the northern Adriatic. Biomare 4nd Report: Progress report- preliminary analysis of spatial pattern in Adriatic benthos. Reports to AGIP, 33 pp.

Willis, T.J., Passaro, R., Borsini, C. Santin, S., Tisselli, S., Anderson, M.J., Airoldi, L. & Abbiati, M. (2005) Project for the development of metodologies for monitoring the impact of off-shore structures in the northern Adriatic. Biomare Final Report. Reports to AGIP, 102 pp.

Personal pictures


Skype name: selvaggias


Last update 21/04/2009